
In recent decades, the relationship between the Water-Energy-Food-Climate Nexus has been studied in both urban and rural areas, with the idea of building a more sustainable future. REXUS is a H2020 project funded by the European Commission with the idea of promoting resilience, that is, promoting the capacity of systems to adapt quickly to changes.
The objective of REXUS is to analyze the Water-Energy-Food-Climate nexus, co-develop, and co-validate solutions and tools that facilitate the transition towards resilient systems with the help of dynamic systems, natural capital accounting, water accounting, energy, and carbon. REXUS combines Earth Observation and different data, to support “Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA)” (reducing the vulnerability of communities and natural systems through sustainable agriculture, integrated management of water resources, and management sustainable forestry) promoting participatory approaches to decision-making and policy development. In addition, it will work to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. The Participatory Models of System Dynamics have been proposed to tackle the Nexus changes over time and at different scales on five strategic pilot zones in Europe and Latin America. The consortium is composed of 17 partners from 7 countries (Spain, Greece, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Romania, Colombia).

REXUS expected outcomes are:

  • To develop more accurate assessments of the different demands for water, energy, food, and related infrastructure at scale.
  • Different entities will come together to face the future challenges of systems where links are present.
  • In addition, the project hopes to contribute to the integrated management of water resources and increase resilience to climate change.
  • Finally, it will focus on reducing water risks for the energy sector and optimizing the market.


José González-Piqueras - University of Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain;
Anna Osann, Agrisat Iberia, Albacete, Spain;
Leon Kapetas, Draxis Environmental, Thessaloniki, Greece


Poster Session 3 (Nexus), Room 5 - 28th September, 15:45-16:45



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