
The issue of renewable energy from its various sources is receiving great attention from world economists, environmentalists and politicians alike because the energy and fuel sector affects one of the most important strategic components of the security of any country in the world. In this context, renewable energy is distinguished from its non-renewable or traditional counterpart in that it is economically feasible as its cost is lower than non-renewable energy and is available to everyone. Renewable energy also contributes to achieving development goals to the rest of the other sectoral fields, including industrial, electrical, agricultural, transportation, and others. At the present time, Palestine is witnessing a turning point towards the transition to the production of renewable energy on its own, but the steps it has taken are still late in the process of transformation, and because Palestine is a country under occupation, it depends on Israel as the sole provider of all oil derivatives and as the main provider of electrical energy, just as Israel It controls energy imports into Palestine and thus prevents open trade in electricity and petroleum products between Palestine and other countries.

While Palestine is rich in renewable energy-producing sources represented by solar energy to produce electricity, wind energy and biodiesel production from household waste and biofuels; All of these sources are considered valuable and emerging opportunities for investment and a pillar that can be relied upon to bridge the energy deficit and to support the backbone to stimulate the green economy. They are considered one of the most important factors contributing to economic independence and separation from the Israeli control of electric and petroleum energy sources. However, until now, only 0.5% of the total energy consumed by Palestine is utilized from these available resources.

The energy sector in Palestine suffers from a clear deficit as a result of the Israeli policies and approach that it follows in imposing its control over this vital and important sector. The high population growth, high standards of living and industrial growth has also led to an increase in demand for energy in recent years in Palestine, which has put Palestine in a cycle of crisis and destabilized its energy stability. As for the policies enacted by Palestine regarding investment in the renewable energy sector, the first was in 2012, including the solar energy initiative. and then, the National Authority updated this strategy in late 2015 to 2020. However, the updated strategy was not clearly addressed the gap with the required justice for all stakeholders as a loophole that must be remedied, which leads to the reluctance to invest in this sector . The aim of this paper is to suggest mechanisms and vital policies that regulate investment in the renewable energy sector and raise the efficiency of its productivity in Palestine to serve the goals of sustainable development.


Ghadeer A. Arafeh


Poster Session 1 (Water/Energy), Room 3 - 27th September, 15:45-16:45



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